Timeline, activities and expected results

Once the specification and customer-journey of the Turnkey Retrofit service are settled and developed, a set of additional activities will allow the service to be locally-adapted (further developed and optimised in France and replicated in Spain and Ireland).

A common digital platform has been developed and innovative functionalities integrated (e.g. online energy checks to reduce time on-site, standardised energy renovation scenarios, financial models for energy renovation, etc.).


The first tasks done by the project partners consisted of delivering the Turnkey Retrofit methodology and tools. More specifically:

  • To summarise lessons-learnt from promising experiences of integrated renovation services emerging in Europe and make the benchmarking openly available (including Operene, Mon carnet, BetterHome, Energiesprong and SIRE) with a focus on:
    • target group audience;
    • offered services (nature and comprehensiveness);
    • relations between involved stakeholders;
    • data required for operating the service;
    • financial model;
    • number of supported renovation projects and achieved indirect turnover;
  • To implement the integrated Turnkey Retrofit service on a digital platform, the entrance door to different initiatives among which HEERO and Operene, therefore associating all initiatives under a common umbrella;
  • To describe functional and non-functional requirement specifications: new modules will be added to the existing ones and others will be developed to fit the Spanish and Irish contexts.

Turnkey Retrofit partners implemented and upscale economically-viable business models which set the foundation for an effective deployment and exploitation of the Turnkey Retrofit service in EU countries without the need for public subsidies.

This work included an assessment of which EU countries (beyond France, Spain and Ireland) are the most favourable to the further roll-out of the integrated renovation service proposed by the project.

Turnkey Retrofit explored different ways on how to integrate financial solutions and how to make them appealing for the building owners, by building upon and connecting with the outcomes and networks of finance stakeholders from projects such as EeMAP.

To create the technical and economic conditions for the service to be replicated in Spain and Ireland, share experiences, expectations and generate new business collaboration, a community of market actors with around 100 key players in the construction value chain (building professionals and installers, financial institutions, utility companies with energy saving obligations, local governments, real-estate agencies) has been established.


The local implementation has been ensured through a transfer of knowledge and lessons-learnt, especially to Spanish & Irish partners and Local Implementation Groups (LIGs), as well as an analysis of the local needs, potential barriers and actors in place.

The Turnkey Retrofit platform was tested in France in coordination with the local French market actors, to measure the impacts of the changes and adaptations resulting from the integrated service specification.


The developed service and its impact will be evaluated with data and feedback collection and analysis. The evaluation will focus in particular on the quality of the proposed services (quality of the refurbishment, but also the quality of the customer relationship all along its renovation process) and various indicators (such as monitoring the uptake of home energy renovation at local level and evaluating the corresponding primary energy savings triggered; reduction of the greenhouse gases emissions triggered by the project, etc.).

Partners compared results from local implementations and drew lessons for large scale uptake, leading to develop guidelines for future large-scale uptake of the Turnkey Retrofit beyond the project lifetime.