Other platforms
In addition to HEERO, Operene and ReformANERR, the Solutions4Renovation service will consider key innovative aspects from other frontrunner initiatives, to which Turnkey Retrofit partners have been closely associated including Energiesprong (CSTB & OPER), BetterHome (BPIE) and SIRE / ReformANERR (ANERR).
The table below presents regional, national and international initiatives and/or research and innovation activities linked with the Turnkey Retrofit project – a wealth of promising experiences in Europe!
To be added below, do not hesitate to contact Margaux Barrett.

BetterHome is an industry-driven one-stop-shop model, which has proven successful in boosting demand for holistic energy renovations in Denmark since the model was launched in 2014.
How outcomes are used in Turnkey Retrofit
The BetterHome methodology and business model will influence the design of the Turnkey Retrofit Integrated service specification (customer journey definition).

REFURB seeks to approach energy renovations from the buyer’s point of view and provide all kind of house owners with a compelling offer. The project seeks to understand these reasons and dynamics behind energy renovation and help the suppliers develop targeted offers.
How outcomes are used in Turnkey Retrofit
REFURB tackles the complex interplay of barriers related one-stop-shop models, through coordinated process organisation, innovation and optimization. Lessons learnt from existing cases.

The iBRoad project works on lifting renovation barriers by developing an Individual Building Renovation Roadmap for single-family houses. This tool looks at the building as a while and provides a customised renovation plan (iBRoad-Plan) over a long-term horizon (15-20 years).
How outcomes are used in Turnkey Retrofit
There are multiple synergies to explore between One-Stop-Shop models and Building Renovation Passports.
A Virtual Construction Management (VCM) platform has been developed as part of the Build2Spec project, which focuses on self-inspection techniques for quality for quality control and assurance.
How outcomes are used in Turnkey Retrofit
The VCM platform will be integrated into Turnkey Retrofit to ensure quality control, quality assurance and integration of subcontractors on site.

STUNNING’s goal is to identify and promote innovative packages for renovation to accelerate their acceptance by the market players and consumers and increase the renovation rate in Europe.
How outcomes are used in Turnkey Retrofit
Analysis of innovative business models which allow consumers and the market to invest with confidence.
Home | STUNNING (renovation-hub.eu)

EeMAP aims to create a standardised “energy efficient mortgage”, according to which building owners are incentivised to improve the energy efficiency of their buildings or acquire an already energy efficient property by way of preferential financing conditions linked to the mortgage.
How outcomes are used in Turnkey Retrofit
Business model development activities in Turnkey Retrofit will connect with EeMAP stakeholders and outcomes.
ZeBe developed methodologies for building and district’s rehabilitation, with a holistic approach that integrates technological solutions, replication models as well as social and financial aspects. The objective is that the renovated buildings have a maximum primary energy consumption of 70kWh/m²a, with a reduction up to 75% and no more than 5% additional costs compare to normal rehabilitation models.
How outcomes are used in Turnkey Retrofit
The methodology and the new types of services and / or businesses based on new rehabilitation processes generated on ZeBe will be used to identify and develop the potential business models of the Turnkey Retrofit project.

SmartEnCity is a lighthouse project that develops an integrated rehabilitation planning and implements it in three different cities in order to improve the energy efficiency in main consuming sectors of cities, specially buildings.
How outcomes are used in Turnkey Retrofit
Within SMARTENCITY, TEC coordinates public and private stakeholders to achieve cost-effective low energy retrofitting actions. This experience will be used in Turnkey Retrofit.

Fosterreg tackles the lack of proper coordination of aspects related to regulation, financing and management of energy efficiency measures within urban regeneration initiatives, as well as the frequent misalignment of public stakeholders at different levels. This project aimed to understand what is hindering the potential benefits of addressing these processes from an integrated perspective.
How outcomes are used in Turnkey Retrofit
TEC analysed the financial mechanisms in several countries. This understanding will be used to integrate the financial stakeholders into the Turnkey Retrofit concept.
For more than six years ANERR has provided to citizens advisory service and connection with technicians and rehabilitation companies offering quality and professional services. Since 2017, this service started to be provided from the web www.reformanerr.com in a digitalization process of the service.
How outcomes are used in Turnkey Retrofit
The knowledge gathered over these years by ANERR will be crucial to connect with local actors and to have first-hand information on the needs of the professionals.
SiRE office (Efficient Rehabilitation Information Service) is a free service for citizens, as well as property managers, professionals, etc. It promotes benefits of rehabilitation actions and provides advice and support in the process: case analysis, proposing technical professionals and rehabilitation companies, solutions to install, information on available aids, etc. This work is complemented with the organization of workshops and seminars.
How outcomes are used in Turnkey Retrofit
The knowledge gathered during these years by ANERR will be crucial to connect with the citizens and to have first-hand information on the needs of the users.