Turnkey Retrofit Final conference, 22 February 2022
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Scaling up renovation in Europe: The role of one-stop shops in reaching a fully decarbonised building stock.
Date: 22 February 2022, 9-12pm CET Location: online
Reducing the energy and carbon need of the building stock is a key priority for the European Union, as buildings are responsible for around 40% of energy consumption and 36% of CO2 emissions in the region. The European Commission’s Renovation Wave Strategy proposes several solutions to increasing its renovation rate, which continues to linger at around 1%, with the new objectives of renovating 35 million building units by 2030 and of doubling the renovation rate within the next 10 years. There is a need for “standardised one-stop shops that can be deployed quickly”. The development of more standardised one-stop shop models, which can be replicated and quickly deployed across Europe, is an important step towards reaching the 2050 decarbonisation goal.
This conference will facilitate a dialogue in the midst of the EPBD recast negotiations to identify the value added of home renovation OSS platforms to citizens, municipalities, and the market; to define strategies for overcoming market barriers; to discuss the benefits of renovation programs in alleviating energy poverty; and to highlight best practices amongst OSS programs targeting a variety of stakeholder groups.
The first of three sessions will present the learnings of the Turnkey Retrofit project and Solutions4Renovation platform that have been developed in France, Spain and Ireland with funding from the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme. The discussion will give particular attention to the process of replicating the renovation service in Spain and Ireland.
The second session will feature other European one-stop-shop initiatives to explore their key success factors and relay what is needed to step up and replicate their services.
This conference is open to anyone interested in the future of building renovations in Europe. Attendance to the conference is free, but prior registration is required.
9.00: Keynote speech: The Renovation Wave, the proposal on the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive and one-stop-shops in this policy context – Thibault Roy, DG ENERGY, European Commission
9.10: Supporting local action for renovation with technical assistance tools: insights into the ELENA programme – Louise White, European Investment Bank
9.20: Session 1: Lessons learned from the Turnkey project, what is next?
- Short presentation of the project and demonstration of the Solutions4Renovation platform: Madeleine Devys, Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment (CSTB)
- Overview of Turnkey Retrofit Business models – Rachel Desmaris, R2M
- Key learnings from the replication in Spain and in Ireland – Miriam Garcia Armesto, Asociación Nacional de Empresas de Rehabilitación y Reforma (ANERR) and Johanna Varghese, Irish Green Building Council (IGBC)
10.20: Session 2: Successful initiatives – what can we learn from them
- Towards a business model definition for suitable One-Stop Shops: the case of Padova – Annamaria Bagaini, Bocconi University
- Levers and challenges to scale up the renovation of condominiums in Paris : the Paris Climate Agency experience – Karine Bidart, Paris Climate Agency
- H2020 Re-modulees project: insights into the re-modulees platform and the reLABs (renovation Local Advisory Boards) – Maria Sara Di Maggio, ABT and Ana Sanchis Huertas, Valencia Institute of Building
11.00: Session 3: Panel discussion with all speakers. Moderator: Mara Oprea (PadovaFIT project) 11.45: Concluding remarks: Dominique Caccavelli, Turnkey Retrofit coordinator, CSTB
Thibault Roy, Policy Officer, Directorate-General for Energy, European Commission

Louise White, Senior Engineer, European Investment Bank

Louise White is a Senior Engineer from the European Investment Bank. She is working in the Energy Efficiency and Energy Advisory team whose role is to assess projects related to energy efficiency, as well as manage the joint EIB-Commission grant facility ELENA – European Local Energy Assistance – which supports the preparation of projects in this sector. She previously worked in Ireland’s National TSO (Transmission System Operator) EirGrid and has over 20 years experience in the energy sector.
Annamaria Bagaini, Bocconi University
Annamaria Bagaini, PhD in Planning, Design and Technology of Architecture, is researcher at SUR
Lab and GREEN, Bocconi University. Her research field regards urban sustainability, in particular,
the energy transition at the urban level. She is an expert in energy policy, urban energy planning,
and energy communities. She is involved in a European Horizon 2020 project, PadovaFIT
Expanded, which focuses on innovative and systemic approaches for boosting building energy
efficiency. She is also involved in a new European Horizon project, CORONADX, in collaboration
with University Vita-Salute San Raffaele, for which she is carrying on a cost-effectiveness analysis
of COVID-19 response measures among five different countries.
Karine Bidart, Executive Director, Paris Climate Agency

Following a master’s degree in International Business at Lomonossov University in Moscow and Normandy Business School, Karine Bidart entered the food and beverages industry at PepsiCo. She then joined M-real, Finnish global leader in the paper and board industry, managed international projects and packaging business development in Finland, and South Africa. She promoted forest certification within the printing industry, and became director for the group’s global key accounts in the cosmetics and pharmaceutical sector. In 2009, Karine Bidart joined Paris Développement, the economic development agency of Paris, to build a strategy to prospect foreign investors in Asia, Americas and Middle-East, and was appointed managing director in 2011. For 4 years she ran Paris&Co, the innovation agency of Paris, and the biggest incubator of startups in Europe, and became the CEO of the Paris Climate Agency in 2019. The Agency is an operational accelerator of the Paris Climate Plan. Karine Bidart is a mentor in the Women4climate program.
Ana Sanchis Huertas, Architect, Valencia Institute of Building

Maria Sara Di Maggio, Building Physics & Services Engineer, ABT