17.02.2022 / 09:30 AM

French workshop: Faciliter la rénovation énergétique des maisons individuelles grâce aux guichets uniques en ligne

This event has passed. The recording is available here.

The workshop was organised by the French partners EP and CSTB, with the following objectives:

  • To present the S4R platform, the Heero service, and the first feedback from users.
  • To collect feedback from participants (experts and professionals) on S4R.
  • To survey participants on their interest for the bricks presented and perspectives of collaboration / replication / adaptation.


  • Intro – welcome – housekeeping 
  • Reminder of the context of home energy renovation in France  
  • Presentation of the TURNKEY project and overview of the platform’s global architecture  
  • Demonstration of the functionalities for single-family homes (on S4R and then on Heero)  
  • First results and figures (website traffic, first feedback from interviews etc…) 
  • Business models 
  • Q&A session